Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Monday Workout

Did not run on Sunday due to some important appointment, left office 5.50pm and straight to Lake Garden for a run and distance in mind was to do at least 1 hour run to make up for Sunday. Reached Lake Gardens about 6.20pm and a quick changed then started my run. Justin the rabbit was no where to be seen so I ran with a boring pace but quite consistent. After the 1st loop my watch showed 28min 36 sec which I was quite surprised commendably a "fast" pace. I decided not to gound for a second Carcosa loop but instead opt for 2 rounds round the lake which make up a 4.6km. The whole run seem quite effortlessly and was over within 58min 36 sec estimated distance covered 11km.

Met YB Mohd Yaziz at the gym and we chatted and at the same time did some workout. Though the weather was hot yesterday but running in Lake Gardens is not that bad (hot) cos there are lots of shades and air quality is not too bad. One of my favourite running place.

Today I will be running at MPSJ and hope to do an hour run. The weather is still hot and will be leaving the office soon. Target time to start running is 6.30pm.

Tomorrow will be a rest day due to meeting at AIA.

Thursday will be last day of training before heading for Penang Bridge Run on Saturday.