Saturday, June 14, 2008

Meeting New Pacemakers

It has been a while that I was not as active as before and less fit as I used to be. I am still finding opportunity to run whenever I could, since my "lay off" I have gained 4kg to 5kg and it has effected my endurance and also add more harm to my injured knee. I am still seeking for proper treatment which till now I never could get one, all that I got was advised from orthopedics "STOP RUNNING", how could I accept with such answers, I have been running for more than 20 years and running is my blood and soul. Nevertheless I still runs so much so to keep my fats down and geared up my endurance, not as much as I use to be just 2 times a week.

Lately I came to know few new faces just join the PM family and they are good runners and full of potential, glad to know them, well the PM family is growing from strength to strrength and in no time the membership shall surpass 60.

I had a great run yesterday and happy to complete the 20km without much difficulties and happy with my timing too.